, Due to a change in the data collection framework in 2021, officers who identify as Chinese are now counted under the Asian ethnic group, in line with the 2011 ONS Census classifications. , A suspect in a homicide case is defined as either: a person who has been arrested in respect of an offence initially classified as homicide and charged with homicide, including those who were subsequently convicted or a person who is suspected by the police of having committed the offence but is known to have died or committed suicide prior to arrest or being charged. Crime lower work tends to be relatively high volume, lower cost units of criminal legal aid work. Similarly, for children, a higher proportion of child offenders in the Asian and Chinese or Other ethnic groups were first time offenders. The Ministry of Justice would welcome any feedback on the content, presentation or on any other aspect of this bulletin we can be contacted through: Where there are differences between groups that are statistically significant this will be stated. In 2020, 70% of the legally aided prison law workload related to White defendants, 11% to Black, 8% to Other, 6% to Mixed and 5% to Asian. 2, See technical guide for further information relating to the impact of COVID-19 on the courts. The greatest disparity appears at the point of stop and search, custodial remands and prison population. , Ethnicity is self-identified, and coverage has decreased from 93% in 2016/17 to 86% in 2020/21. If we become concerned about whether these statistics are still meeting the appropriate standards, we will discuss any concerns with the Authority promptly. Figure 6.05: Requirements commenced under community orders and suspended sentence orders by ethnicity and requirement, England and Wales, 2020. , Caution must be taken with interpreting data from the Chinese or Other group as the population size is very small. As this data is now several years old it may not accurately represent the distribution of ethnic groups in the population, particularly for children when comparing to 2018 CJS figures. Black and Other ethnicity suspects had the highest proportion of stop and searches where nothing was found (both 76%), followed by Asian suspects (74%). Where ethnicity is known[footnote 23], the total number of stop and searches increased between 2017/18 (266,000) and 2020/21 (557,000). These provide criminologists, the police and the media with two types of data. Over the last 5 years, the proportion of arrests in London and across England and Wales have remained relatively stable by ethnic group. Our policy in handling revisions is to be transparent with users about: How and when to expect revisions as part of our standard processes. In the 2018/19 cohort, the reoffending rate for adults was highest for Black offenders at 30%, 29% for White offenders, 23% for Asian offenders and 19% for Other offenders. In the rest of England and Wales, stop and search arrests accounted for 8% of total arrests, increasing from 4% in 2016/17. A proven reoffence is defined as any offence committed in a one-year follow-up period that resulted in a court conviction, caution, reprimand or warning in this timeframe, or a further six-month waiting period to allow the offence to be proven in court[footnote 68]. Being suspended can involve a part of the school day and it does not have to be for a continuous period. The most common sentence given for indictable offences across all ethnic groups was immediate custody, accounting for 35% of all offenders sentenced in 2020 (where ethnicity is known). Over the last 5 years, there has been a decrease in the proportion of stop and searches conducted on Black individuals in London, from 36% in 2016/17 to 32% in 2020/21. Ethnicity refers to an identity based on belonging to a group defined by common cultural or national traditions. Figure 7.04: Average custodial sentence length (ACSL) for indictable offences, by age and ethnicity, England and Wales, 2016/20. The British Crime Survey found that most crimes go unreported and found that the risk of being a victim varies by ethnic group, whereby statistics showed that people from mixed ethnic backgrounds had a higher risk (36%) of becoming a victim of rime than blacks, Asians and whites faced. , Equivalently, a Key Stage 4 academic year of 2013/14 and 2014/15; analysis of the attainment data focuses on those sentenced/cautioned that were at the end of KS4 in the 2013/14 and 2014/15 academic years. The ethnicity classification used in each section is referenced throughout. Therefore, to ensure comparability across year, these forces have been excluded from the calculations for the year on year change. This was a higher proportion than any other ethnic group, for example, only 10% of arrests of White suspects were for drug offences. in the year ending March 2020, 13% of people aged 16 and over said they had been the victim of a crime at least once in the last year. Periodically, political and media discourse focuses on the myth of 'Black on Black crime', or the supposed threat of young Black men to safety of the presumed law-abiding majority. High levels of missing ethnicity data would be of concern, both in terms of sample sizes and the risk of systematic bias. Since 2015/16, the percentage of adults who were victims of a personal crime once or more, excluding fraud and computer misuse, remained stable at 4%. Arrests declined 21% and 22%, respectively, for White and Black adult suspects, a higher rate than other ethnic groups. These proportions have remained broadly consistent across the last 5 years. Postal Point 10.31, Floor 10. there were 697,405 stop and searches in England and Wales between April 2020 and March 2021, a rate of 12.4 per 1,000 people. This section focusses on disaggregating the outcomes that are a result of a professional judgement (i.e. Across all minority ethnic groups, the most common reason for arrest was violence against the person, followed by drug offences. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. A higher proportion of Mixed suspects received the principal outcome of arrest at 14%, compared to 13% of Black suspects, 12% of White suspects, 11% of Other ethnicity suspects and 10% of Asian suspects. Representation of ethnic groups at different stages of the criminal justice process: black people made up 2.8 per cent of the UK population but accounted for 14.1% of stops and searches and 8.8% of . These proportions have remained relatively stable when compared to 2018. Over the last five years the proportion of children from ethnic minority groups sentenced to immediate custody has increased from 36% in 2016 to 43% in 2020. Data Access and Compliance Unit. Where differences are not referred to as being statistically significant these are either not statistically significantly different, or differences have not been tested. Where ethnicity was known, first time offenders[footnote 64] accounted for 16% of all adult offenders cautioned or convicted for an indicatable offence in 2020. Figure 1.01: Ethnicity proportions for adults throughout the criminal justice system, 2020. That compares to a 1 in 323.9 chance statewide. A further review by Haylock et al in 2020 of risk factors associated with weapon-related crime for young people aged 10 to 24 within the UK strengthens both of these reports. This was the only region in which homicide victims were more likely to be from the Black ethnic group (42%), followed by White ethnic group (40%). See police activity chapter for more information on stop and searches. There was a corresponding increase in stop and searches conducted on Asian suspects (15% to 19%) whilst all other ethnic groups remained relatively constant. Where young offenders received a custodial sentence, the proportion eligible for FSM increased across all ethnic groups. Relative Rate Index (RRI) analysis for individuals dealt with at Crown Court in 2020 showed that defendants of Chinese or Other ethnic group were 28% more likely, Black defendants 23% more likely, defendants of Mixed ethnicities 19% more likely and Asian defendants 4% more likely to be remanded in custody than White defendants (Table 5.15). Of the offenders sentenced, 53% were sentenced to immediate custody. As such, the homicide data in this chapter will not be related to population numbers[footnote 16]. White prisoners reported more positive experiences on their wing/houseblock compared to prisoners of other ethnicities, with 90% of White prisoners reporting that they could shower every day, in comparison with 80% of Black prisoners. Controlling for offence mix across ethnic groups showed reduced disparity in Average Custodial Sentence Lengths and Custody Rates. Figure 8.05: Sentencing outcomes for all drug offences, 2020, England and Wales. The equivalent proportion for White defendants was 27%. Above National Average. , Some police forces were unable to supply complete data, please see footnotes in the BUSS open data tables. Reasons for searches that resulted in arrest[footnote 28]. The total number of stop and searches, where ethnicity was known, increased between 2017/18 (266,000) and 2020/21 (557,000). All estimates from the CSEW are for the year ending March 2020 and were therefore minimally affected by lockdown restrictions[footnote 10]. The proportion of White, Black and Asian offenders that received an oral parole hearing in the year ending March 2021 remained relatively stable with a range of 54-57% receiving a release result, 11-12% remain in open prison estate, and 30-35% refusal of release. This varied by ethnic group; in 2020, 81% of White offenders who were remanded in custody went on to receive an immediate custodial sentence, compared to 79% of Asian offenders and 70% of Black offenders . In comparison to the period 2011/12 to 2013/14, homicides increased 25%, with a 4pp increase in the proportion of victims from the Black ethnic group, whilst the proportion of those from the White ethnic group decreased 6pp. London. Within the Ministry of Justices statistical publications there can be three main reasons for statistics to be revised: Changes in how either source administrative systems collect information or a change in statistical methodology to improve accuracy and measurement. Other sources in this chapter include Criminal Courts Statistics and Legal Aid Statistics. Drug offences accounted for 21% of all prosecutions and 22% of all convictions for all indictable offences in 2020. A larger proportion of White defendants (24%) received representation at magistrates court compared to all other ethnic groups, with the lowest proportion at 16% for Asian defendants. , Crime higher concerns legal representation in the Crown Court and above. Sharp and Budd (2005) noted that the 2003 offending, crime and justice survey of 12,000 people found that whites and mixed ethnicity were more . In 2020, 79% of crime higher legal aid workload was for White clients, with 10% for Black, 8% for Asian, and 3% for Mixed clients. For indictable offences, ethnic minority groups accounted for a higher proportion of male prosecutions and convictions compared to females. This article presents research into a method for producing population estimates by ethnic group and by religion, combining Annual Population Survey (APS) and census data. The proportion of male homicides was highest in the Black ethnic group (89%), followed by the Other ethnic group (77%), and the Asian ethnic group (68%). , Offences recorded as homicide as at 15 December 2020; figures are subject to revision as cases are dealt with by the police and by the courts, or as further information becomes available. The arrest rate in England and Wales for white people was nine arrests per 1,000 people in the reporting year 2021/22 while black people . 11/1/2011 10/1/2011 11/1/2010. The custody rate for White children was consistently lower than for Black children (by 3 to 5 percentage points, pp) between 2016 and 2020. Across all ethnic groups, the majority of defendants dealt with at Crown Court are represented at their first hearing, ranging from 91% to 94% across ethnic groups in 2020. The publication aims to help practitioners, policy makers, academics and members of the public understand outcomes and trends for different ethnic groups in the CJS in England and Wales. Figure 7.09: Proportion of young offenders matched to a KS4 academic year of 2013/14, 2014/15, known to be eligible for Free School Meals by ethnicity, in England (Source: Table 7.2 and Impact Indicator 3.8)[footnote 74], Special Educational Needs (SEN)[footnote 75]. Convictions across indictable offence groups varied between ethnic groups in 2020, with drug offences accounting for the highest proportion of offenders within each ethnic group except for White offenders, where the highest proportion of convictions was for theft offences. Proportion of sentence served is affected by factors such as offence mix and behaviour in prison. Judiciary: The proportion of White judges has fallen by 1.9 pp, between 2017 and 2021, driven mainly by an increase in the proportion of practitioners from Asian (1.5 pp) and Mixed (0.6 pp) ethnic groups[footnote 97]. Give detailed and full explanations as to why the revisions were necessary. In 2019/20, 10% of adults . 13.2% of the UK prison population is black compared with their being 2.8% of the over 15 population. Overall, 81% of defendants who were remanded in custody at Crown Court for drug offences went on to receive an immediate custodial sentence. Time period: 2013/14 to 2015/16 (3 years combined) Source: black people were over 3 times as likely to be arrested as white people - there were 29 arrests for every 1,000 black people, and 9 arrests for every 1,000 white people. This proportion varied between 10% and 17% for all other ethnic groups in 2020/21. The total number of all arrests (where ethnicity is known) decreased by 21% between 2016/17 and 2020/21; this decrease was relatively consistent across most ethnic groups. This trend has remained relatively stable over the past 5 years, with the Black ethnic group consistently having the highest proportion of defendants electing themselves to be heard at Crown Court. In 2020/21, two thirds (66%) of children arrested in London were from minority ethnic groups, compared to 20% of children arrested in the rest of England and Wales. Mixed ethnicity suspects had the highest proportion of stop and searches in which the outcome was linked (25%) compared to all other ethnic groups, these ranged from 21% to 22%. , Available at https://www.statisticsauthority.gov.uk/code-of-practice/, Data provided by the Home Office listing offences recorded as homicide as of 15th December 2020. In 2020, Black and Mixed ethnic groups were particularly overrepresented in the proportion of prosecutions for possession of weapons offences, this has remained largely unchanged from 2016. In previous publications we have made comparisons to the population using 2011 Census data. , Includes City of London and Metropolitan Police forces. the officer found what they were searching for), and those where the item found was not what the officer was searching for, or where nothing was found. In the 2011 Census the proportion in each ethnic group was as follows: 87% White, 3% Black, 6% Asian, 2% Mixed and 2% Chinese or Other. Prior to 2019/20, Chinese arrests are counted within Other Ethnic Group. Figure 6.03: Average proportion of determinate sentence served in custody, by ethnicity, England and Wales, 2016 to 2020. The proportion of suspects stopped and searched remained relatively stable across most ethnic groups, with a decrease from 21% to 17% for the Black ethnic group. Having a SEN statement may indicate a higher level of need. As outlined in the defendants chapter, drug offences accounted for the highest proportion of convictions within each ethnic group except for White offenders. Crown Prosecution Service (CPS): The ethnic background of the CPS, where ethnicity was known, has remained broadly similar between 2016 and 2020[footnote 92]. As such, analysis which relies on the 2011 Census data has not been included. This method accounted for 69% of homicides with Black victims, but only 35% of those with White victims. For 69 % of the UK prison population is Black compared with their being 2.8 % all! 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